Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent, Cycle B - March 24, 2015

Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent
March 24, 2015    8:30am


As I understand it, when we receive a flu vaccine, we actually receive a bit of the flu virus itself.
It is a killed portion of the virus, but still a portion of the flu.
In that way, the curse becomes the cure.
The virus becomes our source of strength and health.

That is kind of what happens in today’s first reading.
The Israelites in the desert are complaining and turning their back on God.
And so, they are punished by being bitten by poisonous serpents.
Then, they turn back to God and God tells Moses to make a figure of one of these serpents and mount it on a pole.
All who look at the figure of the serpent on the pole will be healed.
So the curse becomes the cure.
The poisonous serpent becomes a source of healing and health.

Jesus on the cross in effect calls us to the same thing.
We are all human, imperfect, and sinful.
Jesus dies on the cross for our sins.
Our looking at Jesus on the cross makes us aware of our sinfulness and of God’s great love for us.
And in that sense, the curse becomes the cure once again.
The awareness of the curse of our sins becomes our source of spiritual healing because it opens us to the love of God which is so apparent in Jesus giving his life for us on the cross.

This is an excellent way for us to understand what we are called to do during this season of Lent.

It is why the cross or crucifix needs to be so central to our awareness and our faith.