Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Lent, Cycle B - March 4, 2015

Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Lent
March 4, 2015      6:30am

There are two sentences that get my attention in today’s gospel.

First, Jesus asks the disciples: “Can you drink of the chalice that I am going to drink?”
Here he is not talking about the Eucharist.
Instead, the expression – “Can you drink from the chalice…?” this is a colloquial expression of Jesus’ day that means, “Can you embrace the suffering that I am going embrace?”
This suffering can mean sickness and disease.
It can mean failure.
It can mean putting up with inconvenience or even put-downs for living the way of Jesus, for living the gospel.
It can be the suffering that comes from being other-centered and not self-centered.

And then the other sentence that gets my attention is, “We are going up to Jerusalem.”
Jesus does not say “I” but “we.”
And Jerusalem will be the place of his suffering.
He will be made to suffer for doing the mission the Father gave him to do.
But it is not just Jesus. 
It is “we” – all of us who seek to follow him.
Suffering will be involved for each one of us.

So, a good gospel for our Lenten reflection this morning.