Monday, August 24, 2015

Wednesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - August 12, 2015

Wednesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time
August 12, 2015            8:30am      


Today Jesus talks about what to do when, as he says, someone has sinned against us.
I think we can interpret Jesus’ direction as applying to situations when someone has wronged us personally or when someone is doing something that we believe is wrong or sinful even if it does not affect us.
From all that Jesus says, I see six brief, quick rules.

1. Take the initiative.  Make an effort to bring about reconciliation between that person and you or that person and God.

2. Treat the person with respect.  Work at the issue in a private, personal, one-on-one way.  Only if that fails, consult someone else who can bring wisdom to the situation.

3. Don’t shame or embarrass the person.  That will do no good for anyone.

4. Don’t play win/lose or right/wrong.  Don’t try to make the other person lose or feel wrong.

5. Do all of this prayerfully.  Let it emerge from praying about it and seeking God’s guidance.  I have to imagine that this is why Jesus’ direction here is connected with some teaching about prayer.

6. Make sure your motivation is clear and pure.  Do it simply for the reconciliation of the other person with God or with yourself.  Do it for the good of the other.

Maybe there are additional or other ways of saying all of this.

But these are some quick rules for actually doing what Jesus is teaching today.