Monday, March 7, 2016

Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Lent, Cycle C - March 1, 2016

Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Lent

March 1, 2016      8:30am


I came across an exercise that may help us in dealing with angry, resentful and hostile feelings.
Write down on a piece of paper the wrong, the offense or the hurt that you are holding against another person.
Then roll up the piece of paper into a ball and put it into the palm of your hand and make a fist.
Clench your fist as tight as you can.
Don’t let up the pressure.
See how long you can hold onto this piece of paper in that way.
In fact, carry it with you like that throughout the day.

Well, as you would imagine, after a while, your fingers ache and your hand gets stiff and maybe numb.
Eventually, all of our attention goes on maintaining this and we will be distracted from other things we are doing.
We will be unable to reach out to shake someone’s hand or to touch something.

Well, this is a good image for showing what sometimes happens.
This is what we allow to happen to our hearts and spirits when we let resentment fester or anger or hostility get the best of us.
It hurts us and consumes our attention and keeps us from doing other worthwhile things

So, forgiveness – the topic of this gospel – is not easy.
But it is the very center of Jesus’ message.
It is the foundation of the bridges we are to build and not destroy.
It is the equipment for taking down walls and not building them.

And, I would add in conclusion, all of this is true on both an interpersonal and a societal level – something for us always, and maybe especially right now to think about.