Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tuesday of the 4th Week of Lent, Cycle C - March 8, 2016

Tuesday of the 4th Week of Lent
March 8, 2016      8:30am


In today’s gospel, Jesus responds to this man’s desire to be healed.
But notice: he does not help the man to get into the pool of water when it is stirred.
The man thought that this is what he needed to be healed.
Jesus simply tells the man to pick up his mat and walk.
The man does what Jesus says and he can walk.
So what happens is that Jesus combines his power with the man’s effort.
And this is a good lesson for us.

Jesus expects us to desire healing and wholeness, not just physical, but also personal and spiritual.
What we need to do is to turn to the Lord and open ourselves to him.
When we do that, we allow God’s grace and power to be coupled with our effort.
This means that it is both Jesus and us at work.
That’s what we see happening in this incident today

In not using or taking the man into the water, Jesus apparently wants to be clear that it is his power and not water, coupled with the man’s effort, it is his power that leads to healing.
That was the case when Jesus was physically here on this earth.

In contrast, now, after Jesus has risen and left the earth physically, he acts through water or through bread and wine or through consecrated oil.
Jesus now brings us life, empowers us, and heals us through the sacramental signs – through sacraments.
In these ways, he extends the same power to us as he did to this man today.

We just have to do our part and open ourselves to Jesus and the healing and wholeness that his power can bring us in these sacraments.