Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Monday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle C - June 13, 2016

Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua
June 13, 2016      6:30am

Readings:   I Kings 21:1-16
                  Matthew 5:38-42

I cannot help but think about today’s gospel in relation to the mass shooting yesterday in Orlando.
How are we to take Jesus’ words when we have to deal with terrorists or terrorist organizations?
Is Jesus being unrealistic?
Or do his words have something to say to us today?
I have just a few brief ideas here at 6:30am.

First, I do not believe that Jesus is saying that we should allow ourselves or others to be abused or injured or killed.
We should flee these situations if at all possible.
And we should take appropriate action to prevent these violent actions, and that would include action against those who do this.

Second, I believe that we need to make sure that our response to violence does not cross the line into sheer vengeance – an eye for an eye or even more.
So we need to be careful not to stereotype – and that is a danger in our world and country today.
And we need to make sure that our response is protective but not excessive. 

And third, when Jesus says that if our enemy demands that we walk one mile, walk two miles with him, I believe he means that we try to build bridges with love.
This is counter-intuitive in today’s world, but I think he is right.
So let’s do what we can to understand and build relationships and even assist those in need in predominantly Muslim countries.

In the long run, that will offer the best and maybe the only possibility of human respect and peace.