Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Passion (Palm) Sunday, Cycle B - March 24, 2024

 Passion (Palm) Sunday – B 

March 24, 2024 – 8:30 and 11am

Our Lady of Grace Parish, Parkton


Who or What Was Responsible?


Who or what was responsible for this?


Who or what was responsible for attacking Jesus? Who or what was responsible for putting him through such awful suffering?


I don’t think we can name just one person or one factor. There were various people and various human tendencies that were responsible.   


The Crucifiers Then


For example, the civil ruler, the governor – Pilate – he knows that the person dragged before him is innocent. But justice is not his primary concern.


Keeping things under control and holding on to his position – this is what matters most to Pilate. The result: Jesus is crucified because of Pilate’s self-interest.


Next, the high priest is sincerely religious. He sees it as his duty to protect the faith from this man who questions the ritual and some teachings.


This high priest is like some others throughout history who have placed so much importance on a religious truth that they have missed the truth of humanity and compassion. The result: Jesus is crucified because of the high priest’s self-righteousness.


Then, Judas expects this Messiah to restore economic and political power. And yet, Jesus keeps talking about a kingdom built on humility and service.


Judas cannot take this any longer and decides to cash in and move on. The result: Jesus is crucified because of Judas’ misdirected ambition.


Finally, the onlookers watch Jesus stumble through the streets, with the crossbeam strapped to his shoulder. He is in great pain.


And yet, they just watch, and they do or say nothing. The result: Jesus is crucified because of the people’s indifference.


The Crucifiers Today


So, we hear the story of Jesus’ Passion, and we see that he is crucified not because of any single person or any single factor. 


Instead, he is crucified because of the convergence of various people and various factors. And maybe there is a difficult question here: Is this still happening today? 


Is Jesus being crucified today by our acting only for our self-interest and not also looking out for the overall good of the community? Is he being crucified by our self-righteousness which demonizes persons instead of focusing on behavior?


Is Jesus being crucified today by our misdirected ambition of always wanting more and not asking if we really have enough? And is he being crucified by our indifference when we just don’t even think about what we can do to assist those in need? 




So, yes, as we so often say and believe, Jesus died for our sins. 


The uncomfortable question may be this. Is he still being crucified today by the same sins that crucified him two thousand years ago?