Monday, September 8, 2014

Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - September 5, 2014

Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
September 5, 2014        8:30am


In today’s gospel, the religious leaders get on Jesus’ back because he and his disciples do not follow the religious laws on fasting.
And Jesus says, “The wedding guests do not fast as long as the bridegroom is with them.”
So Jesus uses the image of a wedding banquet with himself as the bridegroom.
The wedding banquet was a Scriptural image of the kingdom of God.
So Jesus is declaring that the kingdom of God is here, present in him, that God is present to us in him.
That, for his day and those religious leaders, was a big dose.

And then Jesus talks about not using a piece of new cloth to patch an old fabric because it really won’t match and just won’t work well.
He also says that you don’t put new wine into old wineskins because the new wine will ferment and burst the old, brittle skins.
I think they used leather skins to hold wine and not the oak barrels or whatever that we use today.

So he is saying: there is something new here in me, the bridegroom with the wedding banquet or heavenly banquet, and you just have to think differently and approach this differently.
You need a new mindset.
And that is what he means at the end when he says that even though old wine can be very good and you may like it a lot, don’t get so stuck on it that you refuse to try a new vintage or new vineyard or new varietal.
Be open to the new that I bring.

I think this is always a good message for us.
There is always something new in the gospels.
It can challenge and cause tension for us, but Jesus says: be open to new insights into yourself or new implications of the gospel for the Church or for society.
Be open, keep alive and growing.

That’s what I get out of this passage.