Sunday, July 5, 2015

Wednesday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - July 1, 2015

Wednesday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
July 1, 2015                  8:30am

I always get a kick out of this story.
Jesus expels these demons out of two men.
The demons go into the pigs and the pigs run off the cliff into the sea and drown.
So the people ask Jesus to leave.
I guess they see lots of pulled pork sandwiches going right down the drain!

Seriously, I do think these people have a lesson for us.
They realize the power of Jesus.
They get more focused on that than on the devils Jesus expelled.
Unfortunately, they were afraid of Jesus’ power and of what else he might do.
So the lesson for us is to focus on Jesus’ power and not to be afraid of it.

The truth is that we all have to deal with temptations, with sin, maybe with bad habits, maybe even with harmful addictive behavior.
The message here is not to stay focused on the evil.
Instead, get focused on the power of God, the power of Jesus.
That is exactly what twelve-step programs call for.
Admit your powerlessness and submit yourself to a higher power.
For us: admit our humanity, our weakness, and draw upon the power of God to resist temptation, to avoid sin, to adopt new habits that are helpful and life-giving.

We can do this turning to the power of God in the Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass, in the celebration of Mass and reception of the Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in private, personal prayer, and in the reading of Scripture.
The important thing is to emphasize and focus not on ourselves and our sins, but on the Lord and his power to make us like himself.

He is more powerful than any evil.