Thursday, May 26, 2016

Monday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle C - May 16, 2016

Monday of the 7th Week of the Year
May 16, 2016       8:30am

Readings:   James 3.13-18
                  Mark 9.14-29

In today’s gospel incident, the disciples ask Jesus why they are unable to drive the evil spirit out of this apparently young man.
Jesus says: “This kind can only come out through prayer.”

From various passages in the gospels, I think it is fair to say that Jesus’ prayer was fundamentally a communion with the Father.
At times, he did speak words right from his heart.
But often, he simply was – he was with the Father.
He was quiet, silent, listening with his heart and then his mind.
His prayer definitely must have involved this listening to the Father as when he was discerning the Father’s will about his suffering.

So, I am thinking that it is this kind of prayer, maybe primarily listening that Jesus has in mind when he says that this deaf and mute man can only be healed through prayer.
This kind of prayer frees us from being deaf, as the young man in the gospel is.
It does this because it makes us listen:
listen to God, to the quiet promptings of God about who we are and what we are to do;
and listen to others around us and take in what is really going within the them.
It is through this prayerful listening that we can be freed from our deafness and become more of a source of healing and wholeness for one another.
The result is that this kind of prayer also frees us from being mute, as the young man in the gospel is.
It does this because it enables us to speak the positive, healing, constructive and life-giving words of God.

So, I am saying that this kind of quiet, listening prayer can free us from being spiritually deaf and mute and then through that, enable us to be a source of healing for others.