Monday, December 15, 2014

Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Cycle A - December 8, 2014

Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Cycle B
December 8, 2014        6:30am and 12:15pm
Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air

I see two traits in Mary that jump out for me in this Advent Season.

First, Mary is receptive. 
In this, she is something like John the Baptist.
She knows that there is “One mightier who is to come.” 
So she is receptive to the strength and direction that comes from God.
And second, Mary is trusting. 
She is trusting when she does not fully understand and when there is no scientific or rational explanation.
She is trusting in the face of mystery.

Now this does not mean that Mary was any freer from doubts or temptations to self-centeredness than we are. 
She was human.
But it does mean that, by the grace of the Immaculate Conception, she was empowered by God to overcome those doubts and temptations.
Maybe a better way to say it is that she was graced by God to follow God’s way even with or in spite of doubts and temptations.
This enabled her to be receptive to God and trusting in God. 

Today, we pray for that same empowerment or grace from God. 

We ask God to help us to be receptive and trusting, to overcome doubts and temptations and to follow the way of Jesus positively.