Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - November 24, 2014

Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions
November 24, 2014       8:30am

Today’s first reading is from the last Book of the Bible – the Book of Revelation.
This book is very poetic, visionary, and sometimes difficult to understand.
Today’s passage gives us a vision of the heavenly Jerusalem or, we would say, a vision of heaven.
There is symbolism here that is enriching for us.

First, John envisions a Lamb standing on Mount Zion.
Mount Zion is the heart of Jerusalem, the high point where the temple is located.
In this passage, it stands for the heavenly throne of God.
The Lamb stands for Jesus.
By his sacrifice of himself on the cross, Jesus replaces the sacrificial lambs of the Old Testament.
He makes those sacrifices and lambs no longer necessary.
So, Jesus is called the Lamb and, of course, we express this image in our liturgy when we acclaim him “The Lamb of God.”.

Then the passage speaks of 144,000 people around the Lamb’s throne.
This number is also symbolic.
In the Mideast culture of 2000 years ago, it is a perfect number – 12 times 12,000.
It means that the Lamb’s sacrifice or Jesus’ death and resurrection is for all people.
It is intended to be inclusive of all humanity.

Finally, the passage says that the 144,000 have the Lamb’s name and the Father’s name written on their forehead.
The idea here is that at baptism, we are signed on our forehead with the sign of the cross of Jesus, the Lamb.
That sign unites us with Jesus.
It calls us to live a life as unblemished as the lamb and through that, to make our way to our heavenly home.

So, a positive, upbeat, hopeful image from the Book of Revelation today.