Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Advent, Cycle A - December 9, 2014

Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Advent
December 9, 2014                  8:30am

I really love the opening words of today’s first reading.
The Lord speaks through Isaiah, “Comfort, give comfort to my people.”
These are magnificent words, a classic section of the Bible.
These words were used by the composer Handel and placed to beautiful music in his work called the Messiah.
In its original context, the Lord brings a message of comfort to his people who have been in exile in a foreign land.
He assures them that they will now be restored to their homeland, to Jerusalem.
This word “comfort” is warm, consoling, and reassuring.
And, of course, these words of “comfort” find their complete fulfillment in Jesus.
In the gospel, Jesus shows himself as the source of comfort by tending even one lost sheep.
No one, not even the least, is unimportant in his eyes.

In the course of our lives, we can experience many forms of discomfort.
We may be uncomfortable financially – when we find it hard to cover all the bills.
We may be uncomfortable physically – when we have an intestinal virus.
We may be uncomfortable relationally – when we cannot resolve a conflict with another person.
And we may be uncomfortable emotionally – when we feel lonely.

I believe that in all these circumstances, Jesus continues to bring comfort.
I see it this way.
Jesus comforts us by his presence.
He is Emmanuel, God-with-us on each step of the journey of life.
Jesus comforts us by his guidance.
He is the way and shows us the way to live and return to the Father.
Jesus comforts us by his strength.
He nourishes and strengthens us especially through the Eucharist.
And Jesus comforts us by his vision.
He gives us hope that all forms of death can give way to new life.

So, Isaiah very touchingly proclaims: “Comfort, give comfort to my people.”

Jesus fulfills these words and is our comfort in the journey of life.