Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent, Cycle A - December 15, 2014

Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent
December 15, 2014       8:30am

This morning I am taken with the figure of Balaam in the first reading.
Balaam is regarded as a holy man in Moab, an area east of the Jordan River.
The Israelites are encamped in Moab, on their way to the Promised Land.
The Moabites are afraid that the Israelites will attack them.
So they ask Balaam to utter a curse against the Israelites.
They believe that if he utters a curse, the Israelites will be defeated in battle.
Balaam speaks but instead of a curse, he speaks of the goodness of Israel.
He too, like his fellow Moabites, must have been afraid of the Israelites.
And he was also probably afraid of what his own Moabites would do to him if he did not curse their enemies.
But, instead of bowing to fear and becoming negative and destructive, Balaam remains tuned to God and speaks in positive terms.

I see Balaam as one who lifts up the good, even in the presence of evil.
What comes across in the passage is that he is tuned to the Lord.
He says it so beautifully: “I hear what God says, I know what the Most High knows, and I see what the Almighty sees.”
He knows that the best way to further the presence and way of the Lord is to lift up where the Lord is already present and exalt and enhance that, not to negatively harp on evil.

We can take a lesson from Balaam.
I think Balaam is a good example for our society and our Church and maybe for all of us today.
Maybe it is a human tendency to dwell on darkness or evil.
I wonder if this tendency itself is part of the darkness.
Balaam reminds us that we need to look at the light and lift up the good.
It is far better and far more effective to lift up the presence of God where we see it and highlight what is good and build on that!
Maybe that for some reason is more difficult to do, but it is what I believe we are to do.
This is, I believe, is how the kingdom will really come